Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Soothing Music And Great Food Always Go Together

Have you ever tried eating at a fine dining restaurant with your special someone without a hint of a classical music?  Probably not. What is it with music and great food? 
Food and music have long been in a relationship and it began thousands of years back. Food and wine have greatly influenced composers while making their masterpieces.  Food and music have been a major factor when it comes to rituals and traditions.  Both bring a sense of community during the olden times.  They even pay composers and musicians with food after playing a couple of songs.  Some things just really fit together. 
In today’s generation, food and music are still in harmony.  Both are still used hand in hand.  Have you seen a food channel without a background music?  Or have you ever attended a party with lots of food but without good music?  They are both inseparable.  This is also the reason why kitchen designs are evolving.  Interior designers are now considering having a player and a good set of speakers mounted inside the kitchen.  They either recommend installing a high quality in ceiling radio and in ceiling speakers or ask their client to have the conventional type of sound system inside their kitchen.  As they say, great conversations happen inside the kitchen.  What is a conversation without relaxing music?
Can music really influence the taste of food?  Yes.  In fact restaurants and high end dining places are now hiring composers and professional musicians to create the right music for their establishment.  They say that tunes have the power to influence behavior.  Imagine being in a restaurant eating with your special someone and you are planning to pop the most important question in your relationship and all you can hear are the horns of the cars outside and the noise created by the crowd walking past the restaurant.  Or imagine proposing to your girlfriend with the sound of sax and the slow beat of the drum and a romantic voice of a live singer.  Which one is better?  The latter, of course.  Music has a greater impact in setting the mood.
A great meal, just like a relaxing music, will leave you satisfied.  One nourishes the body and the other one nourishes the soul.  Great food and soothing music are truly inseparable.  Whether you’re in a restaurant or at your own kitchen, choose the right music to compliment your great food.

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